FROM NATURE TO ART. Workshop about the preparation of natural pigments for painting in Rome, 29-30 April 2023


Workshop in Rome about the preparation of natural pigments for fine arts.


On 29 and 30 April 2023 the workshop entitled “FROM NATURE TO ART” will be held in Rome. During this workshop you will learn the method of preparing natural pigments for fine arts. Below is the complete program.

We will deepen the techniques underlying the preparation of a pigment using the colors extracted from dyeing plants. Pigment is a colored powder insoluble in water, which is used as a starting material for the preparation of any color for different artistic techniques (watercolor, oil, tempera, acrylic). During the workshop we will understand and experiment how to fix the color extracted from a plant on a neutral mineral support (alumina), so as to obtain a colored powder stable over time and light.

29 April

9:30 Start of course
– Introduction to the use of pigments in art
– History of natural, mineral and plant pigments
– Scientific basis to understand the pigment preparation process
– Description and demonstration of the preparation of a pigment from madder root (Rubia tinctorum): boiling of the plant, filtration of the extracted dye, precipitation of the pigment and filtration of the pigment thus obtained
– Description and demonstration of the preparation of a watercolor from a ready-made pigment by grinding in a solution of gum arabic
– Experimentation of the prepared colors

17:30 End of course

30 April

9:30 Start of course
– Analysis of the characteristics of mineral pigments (earth, ochres, semi-precious stones).
– Preparation of a yellow pigment from Reseda luteola.
– Influence of copper and iron salts on the color obtained.

– Preparation of iron gall ink

18:00 End of course

The event takes place in collaboration with Bilulu, at his atelier in Rome in Via dell’Arco di San Calisto 40.